EARN: WEEE made simple!

EARN was founded to enable manufacturers/distributors to fulfil their obligations under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive without any complications. Our aim is to provide a smooth service for our customers so they can focus on their core business and  minimise their efforts.

Our understanding of WEEE – made simple:

  • Simply well-founded knowledge and experience of the WEEE Directive and its implementation in Europe
  • Simple management and administration through our EARN software solution
  • Simple agreements and quick solutions
  • Simply call us – direct contact with the EARN team
  • Simple for all manufacturers/distributors, in all sizes

Our knowledge of country-specific legal requirements, as well as our contacts in the authorities, are the keys to the success of our management service.

Our specially-developed software solution is vital for simplifying the processes of Europe-wide take-back solutions. Our online forms simplify key data collection and waste disposal processing.

Simplification also applies to our team. Quick decisions, a high level of experience and the latest knowledge ensure we provide successful solutions. We offer rapid, practical, results-driven responses to your individual requirements.

A key element of our philosophy is personal contact with our customers and partners. We are available to help you by email and by phone, and will answer your questions as promptly as possible.

WEEE made simple for everyone! Our solutions work for all manufacturers/distributors, regardless of the amount of equipment your company deals with.